Dirty pick up lines

Nice ass... what time does it open?
79.21 % 58 votes
Pick up line: dirty, creepy, cheesy
Can I bombard your singularity with my rocket ship until you supernova?
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: dirty, nerdy, physics, science
Are you my homework? Cause I'm not doing you but I definitely should be.
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: dirty, cheesy, corny
You know how your hair would look really good? [No.] In my lap.
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: dirty, inappropriate
So, what are the chances that we can engage in anything more than just conversation?
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty
Clothes look heavy on ya, want me to relieve some?
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: corny, funny, dirty
Date a bassist. We don't mind going down low.
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: music, dirty, funny
I wanna eat your pussy, like a fat kid eats cake.
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: dirty
Baby, lets be like a 2nd order system with a zeta of zero. None decaying "oscillations" all night long.
Hi, I'm an astronaut, & my next mission is to explore Uranus. (U-r-anus)
79.01 % 23 votes
Pick up line: dirty, corny, weird
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